Hey there, fellow traveler!

First things first, make sure you save LumberHawkNews@substack.com in your contacts, so our good ol' chats don't end up lost in the spam wastelands.

I'm just like you - a regular Joe navigating the world with a keen eye and a curious mind. I've gotten the hang of this Bitcoin business, and I reckon there's a lot to it that could benefit folks like us. But don't worry, I'm not just a one-trick pony - I've got thoughts and insights on the whole shebang of life. I'm here to help us all learn a little, laugh a little, and maybe even think a little differently about the world.

We all know there's a whole lot of trash out there on the Internet. My goal is to filter out the nonsense and serve up the good stuff - no frills, no jargon, just straight-up useful insights. I pack my articles with links for those who want to dig deeper, but I promise to keep things simple and straightforward for the rest of us.

Expect a new piece from me every week or so. But hey, this isn't a lecture - it's a conversation. I'm all ears for feedback and eager to chat. Don't hesitate to give me a holler in the comments or reach out on Twitter (X?).

Ready to venture into uncharted territories together? Let's do this!

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Bitcoin and real estate, with a sprinkle of other investing topics, travel, food and life.


The coolest MoFo you know. Bitcoin first. I dabble in Real Estate, Poker, Food, Travel & Life. Yes, I only dabble in life. Its not that serious.